How to amplify under-represented voices in the Salesforce community

 In Perspectives and Announcements

We recently learned of this initiative to bring diverse voices and talents into the Salesforce community. Founded Sept 12, 2013, Amplify aims to empower underrepresented voices in the ecosystem, and those who support them, to be fearless leaders in data management technology.

Amplify is made up of users, administrators, developers, and consultants who are working together in a mentor community to improve their careers and organizations. They are based in the Power of Us Hub, an online community of nonprofit and higher education Salesforce users open to customers and partners, and you can find them in their LinkedIn group.

Amplify has a powerful webpage dedicated to additional resources for pioneers in the Salesforce ecosystem. If you identify as not cis, white, or male, these resources and this community may be welcome support. If you are not under-represented, you may want to view the partners and accomplices page for advice on being an ally to under-represented colleagues.

Build was proud to support Amplify in 2019 through a donation, and we will continue to support efforts to bring diverse voices and experiences to the nonprofit technology community. For more information on donating or volunteering, please contact Amplify.

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