Nonprofit File and Document Management Software

Challenges and opportunities abound when navigating the nonprofit File Management software landscape.

Nonprofits—even small ones—often have several active file and document management software products within their organizations. Whether the organization is aware of which file management systems they have is another matter altogether!

Choosing the right file management system(s) for your organization is often a balance between productivity and protecting valuable information. Developing the right balance, where team members can be productive while maintaining information security, can often require significant changes in practices.

Your file management landscape might not just include tools like SharePoint, Google Drive, Box, or Dropbox. Files can also be stored as record attachments in important business systems such as CRM, ERP, or HRIS systems? Where should files be stored, and how can the organizations make sure the right people (and only the right people) can access them? Are there any additional requirements for workflow automation and e-signature?

We can help you determine what file and document management software best meets your needs, or how to make best use of your existing systems.