By David Deal
Posted The End of Microsoft’s Fundraising and Engagement for Nonprofits
Microsoft announced that it will be retiring its Fundraising and Engagement solution. What does this mean for the nonprofit community?
Microsoft announced that it will be retiring its Fundraising and Engagement solution. What does this mean for the nonprofit community?
We explore the 9 key factors that executives should consider when selecting between these two powerhouse platforms for their nonprofit organization. From cost-effectiveness to integration [...]
The art of technology selections does not end with making your decision, it is also crucial to factor change management into the equation. Doing so sets you up for greater adoption rates, fewer [...]
Whatever your motivation and reasoning, moving to an enterprise CRM solution could be the right move to understand more holistically, and serve, your constituents.
Kyle Haines outlines strategies that help nonprofits select and use a CRM platform as a key underpinning of crucial relationship management.
An update on our study of products - Tableau, Power BI, and Qlik are easy to use and low cost to try, which attractively positions them within the market to nonprofits looking to understand and [...]
Learn how Build led a recent evaluation and selection process to find a market research and benchmarking system for our client.
Allocations to accounts can be time-consuming. Getting the right process and tools in place to automate allocations in your ERP system can result in more timely and accurate financial information [...]
Rushing nonprofit software selections has many perils. Learn to avoid these five common mistakes and get better tech projects success rates, even when the timeline is shortened.
Can you prevent your nonprofit from being the victim of a cybersecurity attack? We provide some reasonable measures for protecting against threats, why more nonprofit organizations don’t [...]
We work with nonprofits, foundations, and associations to align technology and organizational strategies.